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Meta Story: What Marvel & the Messiah Can Teach Us About Great Storytelling
This book will look at Story from macro to micro, predominantly through the scripted arts – film, television, and theater. Along the way, we will explore why these story patterns are the norm – the hardwiring from God – and the effect the elements have on our souls.
Bigger On The Inside: Christianity and Doctor Who
Sean wrote the chapter, “Beyond Regeneration: Redemptive Transformation and the Doctor.”
It Was Good: Performing Arts to the Glory of God
Sean wrote the chapter, “Theopany of Television: God as a Character.”
LarryBoy and the Emperor of Envy
The city of Bumblyburg’s in danger and LarryBoy’s the only one who can save the day as he takes on the diabolical Napoleon of Crime and Other Bad Stuff―a.k.a. the Emperor of Envy.